+52 5589009996



Dolphinaris contributes in a dynamic and continuous way to the development of students majoring in branches of science like biology and veterinary medicine by supporting them in their theses, courses, internships and collaboration projects.

Dolphinaris also shares a large part of its knowledge with developing professionals interested in learning about the most relevant aspects of the medicine, biology and reproduction of the species found at our locations, as well as the projects that have been specially designed for their proper care.


Thanks to zoos and aquatic parks, more is known about species, there is a constant learning process, and new knowledge about species is being created. There is a lot about dolphins, both in the wild and under human care that is still unknown. Dolphinaris is making a great effort to learn as much as possible about the dolphins in their care in order to contribute to research and conservation efforts for wild dolphin populations. The only goal of all this progress is to achieve a greater and better care of the environment, of the planet’s well-being and of the species that live on this planet.


Dolphin populations maintained under human care require efficient and responsible reproduction programs. Dolphinaris has a complete breeding program with an important investment for the development the proper technologies. The program includes the development of new techniques and procedures to record the follow follicular dynamics, ovulation detection, selection and storage of semen, artificial insemination, ovulation induction and synchronization of cycles.


The best way to ensure health and wellbeing for marine mammals is to prevent rather than treat. In order to provide the best medical service, Dolphinaris has one of the most modern infrastructure for clinical and diagnostic imaging. A team of veterinarians with extensive experience in the management and care of dolphins directs the health and reproduction programs.


We have set out to attend to and provide the particular needs of each animal by focusing primarily on offering adequate physical and mental stimuli at all times, while prioritizing the implementation of medical behaviors, with the objective of contributing to maintaining a population that is healthy in every aspect and using the experience acquired over time toward this end.